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February 11th, 2022

Contact: Caitlin Blocker
Outreach Director

Analysis: Biden Administration DEIA Model for Federal Government 

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The President made bold statements while campaigning, and post-election, on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility (DEIA) in the federal government saying in one of his Executive Orders, “the Federal Government should have a workforce that reflects the diversity of the American people.” Leadership Connect examined the administration’s present makeup for their initiative in our recent report. While 34% of current Schedule C appointees served in the Obama administration, we found that the Biden administration is still holding steady in keeping its proclamation of DEIA improvements across the federal government.


About 55% of the SC appointees are white and 45% are non-white, slightly less than the reported outcomes from the 100-day report. For comparison, people of color are reported to make up 40% of the U.S. population and about 38% of the federal workforce – taking it slightly further than the original statement of “looking more like America.” The administration is still holding steady in hiring more women, including about 36% who come from racially and-or ethnically diverse backgrounds, according the White House.

Leadership Connect found that these roles were more than just congratulatory to those loyal to the campaigns. Their careers span people from all walks of life, from non-profit entities to Capitol Hill — even though Harvard and the University of California (Vice President Kamala Harris’ law school alma mater) lead in administration SC’s.

“So far, the data show the Biden Administration is following its DEIA plan. The next three years of movement should create a valuable visualization for the future,” said Salma Ismaiel, Project Lead, Fed DEIA.


Download the full report.

ABOUT LEADERSHIP CONNECT: Founded by a White House staffer in LBJ’s administration, Leadership Connect now helps over 40,000 policy professionals build relationships within federal, state, and local governments, non-profits, and the corporate community. From stakeholder mapping and org charts to identifying anyone you need to reach for advocacy, Leadership Connect makes it easy.

Annie Farrell

Digital Content Writer

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