Mike Broihier, a farmer and Marine Corps veteran from Lincoln County, announced his candidacy for Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell’s seat in a three-minute video. Broihier, a political newcomer and first-time candidate, asserted in his announcement that “it’s time to retire Mitch McConnell and restore democracy,” and also accused the senator of using “labels to reinforce old prejudices, to divide us, [and] to maintain his grip on power.”
Broihier retired from the Marines after 21 years in 2005. Since then, he has worked on statehouse races for rural Democrats, held a position as a substitute teacher, and worked as a journalist at The Interior Journal. His campaign manager, Kim Geveden, previously worked on former Lt. Gov. Daniel Mongiardo’s 2010 Senate campaign.
Broihier is the third Democrat to enter the primary race, alongside healthcare professional Steve Cox and former Marine Amy McGrath.
The campaign to unseat McConnell is slated to be one of the most followed races of 2020.